
How We Operate

Everyday thousands of businesses are registered worldwide, our primary target is advanced countries. Our sophisticated AI and algorithmic tools scan and identify names that are likely to be registered in a matter of days. You simply grab these names and have our team of experienced experts reach potential buyers who may have interest in having those names. You will not be involved in the sales process; you only acquire, and we follow through with the selling.


We provide list of possible business names that are likely to be registered within a few days. You will have access to the limit your membership allows, it is displayed in block of 5


You sign up as a member of the power house, as a member you will be provided with names of businesses that you should register


Registration of domains This will be done by you; you will only register names that are provided on our platform. These names are considered hot names that should be resold in a matter of days or weeks.


The cost of each domain should be between $19-$23, as soon as you acquire, push it out for sale, you will have the opportunity to state how much you wish to sell for, but we recommend $100 to $700, you can reach out to the account reps for proper guide. The goal is for this to be priced to sell as quickly as possible.


We expect a conversion of about 30-70% in sales, every client must be ready to acquire a minimum of 10 names within the first week.


Simple rules

You must register domains with the authorized registrar. Violating this will result in a few things:

  • We will no longer be involved with the reselling process.

  • You will be stuck with the 60 day hold, which means even if we find a buyer, we have to wait for 60 days for transfer of domain to occur per ICANN rules. No buyer will be willing to wait that long after payment.

  • Due to this violation, your account will be instantly deactivated as this is completely unacceptable.